Sharda Shanti Private ITI!
Industrial Training Institute


Way of learning.

Class Based

Instructor led class based for conceptual part of training.

Lab Based

Instructor led lab based for practical part of training.


Not just the core part of training students can explore more from our library.


Currently available.






Computer Operator & Programming Assistance

Sewing & Embroidery



  • Our Humble Beginnings

    Sharda Shanti Private ITI a feature of suite of programs is the capacity for students to move seamlessly through their course, with each unit and program designed to build upon the other. Progressive learning is the approach we follow at Sharda Shanti Private ITI that focuses on the student's ability to identify and tackle issues rather than simply learning facts and techniques. I welcome the young men and women to be a part of the family and wish them a bright future.

  • Be Part
    Of Our


Reena Devi


Sharda Shanti Private ITI a feature of suite of programs is the capacity for students to move seamlessly through their course, with each unit and program designed to build upon the other. Progressive learning is the approach we follow at Sharda Shanti Private ITI that focuses on the student's ability to identify and tackle issues rather than simply learning facts and techniques. I welcome the young men and women to be a part of the family and wish them a bright future.

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Call Us: +91 8588048898-9450892089

Address: Bankata(Basgit)Sadar,Azamgarh

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